Entries by Rob Scott

Six Reasons MSPs Should Move Their Customer Contracts to the Cloud

I have been representing IT managed services providers (MSPS) for almost 20 years.  Years ago, I counseled my MSPS that it was necessary for managed services providers to present contracts to their clients for signature. Now we counsel our clients to collapse the sales and contracting processes into one step using their existing sales documents […]

Why MSPS Need Their Own Data Processing Agreements

Over the past ten years regulation of data privacy and security has proliferated at the international, federal and state levels. Several industry-based federal regulations have been developed such as HIPAA for healthcare and GLBA for financial services. Other geographically based regulations such as GDPR (EU) and CCPA (California) apply to the personal data of citizens […]

How to Recover Early Termination Fees For Managed Services

IT service providers that include early termination fees in their contracts must decide if they want to seek reimbursement when a customer terminates a contract early. MSPs find themselves asking: Is anything owed? Can I collect? What is the cost? Here are key points to consider when determining whether to enforce an early termination fee. […]

Risk Balancing Provisions in in Managed Services Contracts

The risks for Managed Service Providers are constantly evolving. New cyber threats and regulatory compliance requirements present significant challenges for MSPs. The most important way to mitigate privacy and security risks for Managed Service Providers is by including proper risk balancing provisions into the MSP’s customer contracts.  This article explains how limitations of liability, indemnity, […]

Managing Risk in Managed Services

Risk Considerations for Managed Services This past week I had the opportunity to present on the topic of managing risk in managed services to the OTX Roundtable.  I want the thank the OTX Roundtable and Mark Jennings in particular for inviting me to speak.  What follows is Mark’s transcript of the meeting. ************* Rob Scott […]