Entries by monjur

Master Services Agreement Templates for MSPs

When a Managed Services Provider begins a relationship with a new client, it is important they agree on certain terms and conditions by which business will be conducted. This is known as the Master Services Agreement (MSA). These are the foundational terms that all business will adhere to unless expressly superseded by a subsequent agreement.  […]

Considerations When Writing an MSP Contract

What to include in your managed services customer agreement? As a managed service provider, how do you approach writing a complicated document like a Managed Services Agreement? Are there resources out there to refer to so you don’t have to start from scratch? Who, what, and where should it cover, specifically? The contract is a […]

Managed Service Providers: Risk Management and Limitation of Liability

Managed service providers (MSPs) face more risks than ever before and, as a result, require more legal protections. These risks include not only data privacy and cybersecurity issues but also challenges related to technology, compliance, profitability, and vendors – not to mention ever-increasing competition. It’s a lot, but a steadfast risk management and liability-limiting plan […]

MSP Sources of Risk

How Managed Services Providers Can Mitigate Risks Our main goal is to help technology companies of all sizes manage their relationships with their clients and protect their IP rights. We will help managed service partners reduce their overall risk, streamline their sales process, and increase the value of the business through long-term contracts between the […]

How to Know When to Seek Legal Advice When Negotiating a Software or Services Contract

Today’s corporate and business teams are well versed in negotiating pricing and other critical terms in software licenses and services agreements. With their collective experience and knowledge of the specific business needs, seeking internal or external counsel’s advice can seem like an unnecessary expenditure of time and resources. Many have the perception that seeking legal […]

Cyber Insurance Missteps Into Managed Services

Cyber insurance has become critically important to our modern business operations. For MSPs, the role of cyber insurance is especially important, both because of the protection it affords the MSP, but also for the protection it offers customers of the MSP. While cyber insurance carriers struggle to understand the complex world of managed IT services, […]

The Armchair Cybersecurity “Expert”

The rise of armchair cybersecurity “experts” has accelerated in recent years. Perhaps the industry most impacted by these armchair cybersecurity experts is managed services. As cyberattacks and threats continue to increase, so do the voices from these “amateur” compliance and security individuals who sometimes place unwarranted and dangerous risk on the MSP they use. Risks […]

MSP Contract Negotiation Series: Data Processing

Data processing is an important element of any managed services agreement. The handling of data belonging to clients has never been more critical to the relationship between customer and MSP. Data processing is no longer just a service delivery issue, it is now a contractual one as well. Join the discussion as MSP Zone explores […]

MSP Contract Negotiation Series – Limitation of Liability & Indemnification

MSPs have agreements with everyone; customers, vendors, partners. The managed services agreement with customers, perhaps, is the most important. Regardless of the type of MSP you are, the types of services, or your customers, the contracts you use will likely be negotiated. Warranties and indemnification clauses are common boilerplate in modern managed services agreements. But, […]

MSP Contract Negotiations Series – Termination Clauses

MSPs have agreements with everyone; customers, vendors, partners. The managed services agreement with customers, perhaps, is the most important. Regardless of the type of MSP you are, the types of services, or your customers, the contracts you use will likely be negotiated. The terms you negotiate with customers matter, and sometimes there are ways you […]